Friday, June 15, 2012

Insanity Stares at My Mouth - June 15, 2012

Insanity Stares at My Mouth

Flashes of denial campaign
undiscovered in my ears
while laughter sounds out like static
from a land where words
expose their wonder.  
What lies beneath
waves of pleading promises
that lie touching my heart
like winds of change
bring on thunder?

Has my existence flown
to find the answers
inside of years
up on the silent mountaintop
that I once called
my home?
I find that now I live with chaos
looking in my windows
at every single hollow place
it sees
when I am sitting
all alone.

Insanity is everywhere
I see it staring at my mouth
as honesty spews on everything
I deny to be,
while in all of my despair
I hear words
laughing out at me.
I breathe in deep then lift the voice
with which I write
and wait........
for my pen to bleed.

© 2012 Neva Flores - Changefulstorm


  1. ... wonderful poetry.
    thank you for sending,Neva

  2. despair strongly penned here. i can feel it and taste it. well done.

  3. Sometimes the pen can say what we can't--strong, string write--hugs to you!

  4. wonderful words,and message you have portrayed ..thanks for sharing this :D

  5. beautiful expression Neva!

  6. I can certainly relate to those feelings. Terrifying at times.

  7. Insanity is always within reach but for a moment in time.

  8. The beauty od being a poet is everyone knows we are naturally "not right" and they eventually stop sending the men in white coats with that special jacket. Rave on Neva! You're one of the best there is!

  9. really strong emotion and imagery in this...insanity though is often what we trip the edge of on our way to writing...smiles...

  10. Loved these lines:)
    Insanity is everywhere
    I see it staring at my mouth
    as honesty spews on everything
    I deny to be,
    while in all of my despair
    I hear words
    laughing out at me.
