Thursday, March 21, 2013

Where Darkness Dares Not Speak - March 21, 2013


Where Darkness Dares Not Speak

I sit among the winds of human souls
where darkness dares not speak
of storms that rock deep anguish
until it becomes
a fire inside you.
These winds are more complete
when they rest upon my tongue
and get lost inside a dance
crying “let me go”
without use
of a cold attitude.

No fear do I have
of the years gone by,
I barely knew
of their passing.
It seems as if their value
has been exiled to a corner,
left there
to dream.
So I can sit among the winds
without a single care
crashing in and demanding
I have remorse
for holding back
the years

Where there is sinister intent
and darkness clouds the sky,
there are moments
when the secrets of the wind
chase the substance
known as peace.
I feel the heat against my body
as I sit among the winds
accepting kisses
on my lips
from years gone by,
begging for release.

© 2013 Neva Flores - Changefulstorm


  1. The years gone by...not really much use anymore but i don't think I would trade the memory of them for any other. May the chasing winds blow that peace your way today.

  2. that middle stanza is very interesting...the value of the years exiled to the corner so you can sit in the wind... on some level its health to be in the now, but to not acknowledge our history as well...hmm....i like the love though still from those years in the end...

  3. The repetition of " I sit among the winds" is powerful and ties the piece together. I'd love to see the details pared down and this phrase used more freely. Nice work.

  4. Amazing but then you're always amazing

  5. Very deep and intense thoughts.
    We all have our guilt, regrets , remorse and it is upon us whether we want to live with them or without them.
