Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I Will Be There To See - Oct. 12, 2011

I Will Be There to See

I will be in the valley
where the sand meets the tree of fire
and walls that close in
do not exist.
My arms have become part of the stars,
when I walk they enfold night
with a web
encircling a kiss.

My heart contains a spirit of love
I obtained from the sea,
when my skies were filled
with all that I know.
I am here in the valley in between time
and the place where the tree of fire
still glows.

Come and take my hand
when your morning is cold,
until all that is left
is how you remember me.
Then, when you look into the glass
where your face was alone,
I will always be there
to see.

© 2011 Neva Flores - Changefulstorm


  1. Knowing someone that closely is hard to see them in the mirror, but when you can be there in that moment they are never gone or lost for the rest of the lookers time as well.

  2. Thank you for sending Neva.
    Write perfect . .~

  3. "Come and take my hand
    when your morning is cold"

    I love that line especially.
    Great poem :-))

  4. Some neat phrases and some niece poetic devices.

    Take care :)

  5. A true wordsmith with uncanny insight, Neva never fails to touch something deep inside with her craft...kudos, kiddo!

  6. Just want to let you know Neva, you have a wonderful way with words when it comes to your poems. They are beautiful and so much truth in them.
    Blessing to you,

  7. A bit slow getting to you as I have been away on holiday. Glad I didn't miss this poem though!
