Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Taste of You - August 30, 2011

Taste of You

The bond between us
does not quite speak to the stars
as precious carvings
but as seeds of happiness.
Here you see me in thought
rearranging reflections inside a message
held in glass.

Far away I hold my breath
then let it out to chase dream-filled sleep.
Soft sighs escape
streaming through the night
in shells of kisses
moving ultimately to form this lovely
smile I keep.

Quivering inside my dreams
are elaborate colors
that dance on my tongue.
I taste them as whispers of you.
The bond between us does not quite
speak to the stars, but here
in my dreams is sung.

Copyright *Neva Flores @08/22/2011


  1. "Here you see me in thought
    rearranging reflections inside a message
    held in glass."
    nice ... :)

  2. I look at this a a clear and concise (in part) explanation of your work and how you view it. I like that portion very much...the other portion I see is the master craftsman holding that chisel and tapping hammer looking at the right place to take that first place to chip the words to a form.

    Very Nice Neva

  3. "Far away I hold my breath
    then let it out to chase dream-filled sleep.
    Soft sighs escape
    streaming through the night
    in shells of kisses
    moving ultimately to form this lovely
    smile I keep."

    ********Sharing that elusive smile, that conjours up thoughts of a strong romantic heart, a soul opened to sharing.

    What if, the whole world could be, a "Taste of You?"

    Lovely Neva!!!

  4. wonderful dream if only could be in reality there would be more love in this world. lovely write neva!! LL

  5. Do you ever write anything bad? ;-)

  6. so beautiful...my favorite line "I taste them as whispers of you."

  7. This is a classic exanple of your work and what it means to you. You manage to put into words what the rest of us just stammer to say

  8. Neva,
    Your poetry always blows me away. I don't have a poetic bone in my body. Thanks so much for emailing me. I've subscribed via Google reader.
    Do you create the art too?

  9. I love it. It's all about me. Thank you ♥
