Monday, January 10, 2011

Centering - January 10, 2011


I am filled with burning flames of the rising sun
Your ocean bed is where I anchor
I radiate my warmth into your waters as one
Seeking a calming balance
And my center

In the evening fog you hold me ever gently
Safely beneath those clouded skies
As my warmth radiates into you freely
I am lulled to peaceful sleep
With you nearby

I would be a burning ship with a wanderer's mast
Here sailing lost in my own ocean
If not for your bed of anchoring calm and rest
Where I can radiate my warmth
From the rising sun

When it is time for my ship to sail off once again
I will take hold of my anchor
Sail away into the rising sun, chasing winds
But know you this, to you I shall return
To again, find my center

Copyright *Neva Flores @2011


  1. Inspirational poem, secure browsing, and calm, even amid the storm,lovely poem.

  2. You must have written hundreds of poems Neva and the gift you have is absolutely incredible, your poem today is another with a calming influence, well suited with the image. Well done:)))

  3. Your poems capture my imagination every day - and love the photo too.

  4. it is always good to be centered and grounded to be at our optimum.

  5. Image and Poem ,both Soothing and Serene, Beautiful Promise of return for "Centering"
    Awesome writing,Neva,Thank You

  6. Whatever way this beautiful poem is read-- it works--

  7. Heartyn greetings!Stirring,deep,well-thought-out Poem.I have indeed enjoyed it so much.May the Early Sun shines on you.A gentle breeze caress you,as you go along Life´s way.I wish you a blissful 2011.Cheers!
