Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Face to Face - January 04, 2011

Face to Face

When you come face to face with your own mind
Is all you find, growing wild within
Are your eyes seeking to find
The Golden Fleece
Once again

Are you suddenly fleeing where clouds have gathered
With a burning candle raised on high
Wondering if you have mastered
This profound race of life
Not a tear, you cry

Do you continue walking within opposing views
Saving certain parts of all you find
Thinking surely it's up to you
To tame the wildness
In your mind

When you come face to face with your own mind
Can you gaze upon the wildness and smile
Not give a care if the fleece you find
Yet enjoy the journey
All the while

Copyright *Neva Flores @2011


  1. Pleasure to walk through life,in every circunstance, such a nice medicine,wise poem.

  2. Beautiful Vision to Face the challenges of the race called Life.Enjoy the read and Lesson

  3. "Come face to face with your own mind"... love that line

  4. come face to face while on the journey and enjoy the ride. very well penned!!

  5. A poem to put you in deep thought.

    Some may not wish to be confronted with self

    due to horrors committed or tortures suffered.

    Some may feel more comfortable living false


    A poem which reminds me of everyones final

    destiny, facing ones Creator. If we were {the

    world I mean} to follow these words, which were

    so eloquently written, we should not have a

    problem living life the way we were meant to.

    In Peace, Harmony and most of all with Love.

  6. I loved this inward looking poem, Neva. It makes me ponder if we control our minds or if our minds control us...

  7. wild is definitely how i would define the confines of this skull...lol. but i think i can still smile, most days...nice

  8. Neva, reading Face to Face is like sailing on a bay and finding one's self lost in a daydream. You take us places we all long to go. Thank you for your gift, thank you for you.

  9. enjoying the journey - think that is a key - and sometimes it can be scary to come face to face with the own mind...i like your thoughts about this topic..beautiful poem neva

  10. Watching the mind is powerful practice. Fine poem.

  11. good to look inside - we are inside out people
